Before uploading your image to create an art mosaic, you need to accept the terms and conditions for using the MOZIX® app:
No images are allowed that contain:
X Weapons and/or violent scenes
X Drugs or alcohol
X Nudity
X Celebrity images or any images that you do not have the rights to use
X Obscenities, profanity
X Brand logos
X Trademarks or copyrighted content
If the image belongs to another person or shows someone other than you, you need to obtain that person's consent to use it before creating a MOZIX® mosaic portrait.
We do not have access to the images you upload. All processes are set up in the customer's browser. Strict confidentiality is observed.
* Image size cannot exceed 10 MB. Supported file types are JPG and PNG.
I accept the terms and conditions of the user agreement and will comply with the above requirements.